Saturday, January 17, 2009



I have TOTALLY ABANDONED this blog for awhile. Miss me much? (yeah, right.)

Nothing much I want to blog about has occurred over the hols. Don't worry, you guys didn't miss much.

So it's '09 (whoopdi-doo). 2nd week of school down, another 8 more to this quarter. Gosh it's amazing how quickly the quarter just flies bye. I rather enjoy it this way. Mug hard for 10 weeks and then party even harder during break! Whoot!

Anyway, a YouTube vid to sum up my past couple of days.

I cried.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


So the kids back home at NUS, NTU, SMU are all done with their exams and it's now our turn, those who are living it up here in the States, to take our finals. Time to sit my fat ass down and blow the dust off my textbooks and start studying!

Hmph, yearh right. Like that's going to happen.

Guess what I spent my Saturday before Finals Week doing?? Shopping! Even the snow couldn't stop Sis and I from going. And I just went shopping last weekend!! And my Sunday? Sleeping in. Cos I stayed up all night doing a MUSIC paper, yes, the same one that I've been whining about to everyone on MSN.

So here's the deal.
Apart from the freezing temperatures,
I am recovering from Thanksgiving shopping,
gearing up for Christmas shopping,
totally ignoring the dreadful finals,
and ordering take-out.

My folks are probably typing up an angry email/im to me right now. hahahaha. Well, more so Dad, cos Mom's having an 'awesome' time in Spain! Chill Dad, I'm just kidding. I'm studying! I'm studying!

SOC paper at 7-insanely-30 am in the morning tomorrow. It's almost as if the school decided that 730am is the perfect time and everyone would in the best frame of mind to take an exam. All the prof will see are walking zombies coloring spots on the exam sheet. hahahaha. I think I woke up on the wrong side of bed today. I've been so critical of EVERYTHING!

Friday, December 05, 2008

SPOTTED: Singapore's Disney Channel Cast on US Disney Channel TV! A first!

Trust me, I would know.